Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 2; On The Run

So yesterday I ran 2 miles; one on the treadmill and the other outside. The run outside was much more fun, though also more challenging physically. Does anyone else find it boring to run on the treadmill, no matter what you do? It is just so much more entertaining to run outdoors! What did you do for Day 2?

p.s. Day 3 is in progress :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

On The Run

Motivation has begun to falter...each day I find that I am completely irritable if I do not run or at the very least walk; but I still find that I must talk myself into the workout. I used to be 100% motivated, but now that I am close to my target weight and the scale has barely moved it is definitely harder to find motivation. Therefore I have come up with a different way to motivate; I am calling it On the Run. It was inspired by Run Nerds Rock. Specifically the Run Streak, which today is day 875 for Michael. (Go Michael!) I wish I were on day 875!

Today is day #1, and I have ran 1 mile. Yes, I realize it's nothing compared to Michael's 5 miles (on his days off) and 13+ miles on other days, but it's still a mile!

Therefore I invite anyone else who is a beginner like me to join me in On the Run. The goal is simply this: do something (anything) everyday. Just get up and move. Every Little Bit Counts <---Read that again! If you ran 0.1 miles...that counts and count it as a victory because you got up and did it! If you walked 0.1 miles, you got up and did something, count it!I am not going to keep track of pace because no matter how slow you are going you are still going! The more you do, the more you'll be able to do!  Let's keep track, let's keep motivated, and see how many miles we can walk/run in 2014! Starting day is whenever you choose to start, keep a journal; make a facebook page; start your own blog; comment here, whatever you do start!

As for Run Nerds Rock, I want to thank you for helping kick start my "go" engine once again. I was really considering giving up, but seeing all of your Facebook posts really got me motivated once again, so thank you!

Day 1: 4/15/14
Ran 1 mile :) 

Also just a reminder; before starting any new exercise program you should always check with your physician first!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Under Armour Storm with Micro G

   I haven't been able to run for long distances and I blame my old shoes for this. Every time I would begin running I would get a sharp pain in my right leg. It seemed to me that my shoes were not providing enough support while I ran. So, I bought new shoes.

   Anytime I make a big purchase I do my research first. This ensures that I am equipped with the knowledge to make a good decision on how I will spend my money. After researching shoes I found two pair that I thought would get the job done; Under Armour Spine Venom and Under Armour Micro G.

   After arriving at the sport store (Hibbet Sports) I found these bad boys. I tried on every pair of running shoes in the store, but fell in love with these. They are extremely comfortable and supportive. The Under Armour Storm with Micro G has tread on the bottom that makes it feel like you are walking on pillows. They actually fit to your foot instead of trying to find a pair of shoes that your foot fits in perfectly. They are made of fabric that actually does breathe which helps keep your feet dry when running. They are durable and seem to be a high quality shoe. Once again Under Armour has proven to be the superior brand in my book!

Here is the tread:

If you decide to purchase new running shoes these are a little pricey..however if you have ever bought running shoes before you know that you have to spend a little more if you want to get a quality item that does what it is supposed to do. And when you are talking about running you have to keep in mind how hard running can be on your body. Your body is worth the extra money, in fact you'll thank yourself down the road when you can still move because you chose to take care of yourself! 

Please feel free to leave your comments about Under Armour (and their awesomeness) below :) 
Until next time,

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Time Is Now

There have been so many times that I have been asked about motivation. Motivation to begin your health journey can be hard to find and easy to lose.

It is much easier to tell yourself that you will begin getting healthy tomorrow or that you will start next week.

My motivation:

We only have so many "tomorrows". There is only a certain period of time when I can take control of the way I look and the way I feel and that time is now. Life is not forever. I can choose to take control of my life or I can let it pass me by.

When it comes down to eating that cupcake or having that one bowl of ice cream I remind myself of what I want in life and I evaluate if that one moment of happiness is worth the many hours of work it will take to get rid of those excess calories.

When I feel like taking a day off my mind (because I've formed a habit) reminds myself of how I will feel later that night if I skip out on my daily routine. I ask myself if skipping is worth the regret. I remind myself that the one hour I give now will get me one hour closer to my health goals.

In the end I keep myself motivated by staying focused. There is only so many tomorrows and today is as good of a tomorrow as the next day, so why not start now. I once read a quote, though I cannot remember the author, that stated "You may not want to start now, but a year from now you'll wish you would have started today." That is so true. To let a year go by knowing what you want to achieve and yet doing nothing to make that goal a reality is a waste of time. Why put off something for tomorrow that could be done today?

So take the first step, choose to make your goals a reality, make the choice to be the you you want to be. Your life starts now!

Until next time,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

This is Me Now...

This is me now, 9 weeks into my health journey:

I don't have a very good "before" picture. I didn't take the time to take one, but in the picture above I am at 119 pounds, which is a total loss of 24 pounds! Please excuse the mess behind me, I took the picture in my daughters room because the lighting was better.

Here is a picture of me two years ago:

In this picture I believe I weighed 135 which was the summer of 2012, so two years ago. 

This is me last year after working out, so you know it's a little rough, but I wanted to point out the difference in the picture from now (the first one) this picture. 

This is right before starting my health journey (2014) I had to weigh in for a FB contest. You can see that I started out at 143 or 144 pounds.

And this is a side view of me now. As you can see I have made progress, though I still have a ways to go. I was asked to post pictures so here they are. 

Until next time, 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Catfish, Asparagus, and Mashed Cauliflower

Tonight I made baked catfish, garlic asparagus, and mashed cauliflower (which I will post the recipes for), and it was absolutely delicious. Plus it was only 212 calories total!

Baked Catfish

1 1/2 pounds Catfish chunks
Weber's Mango Seasoning

Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray with olive oil. Lay out the catfish chunks. Sprinkle with seasoning. Bake at 425 for 30-45 minutes, until white and flaky in the middle.

Garlic Asparagus

1 pound asparagus
1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
1/8 cup olive oil
A few squirts of lemon juice

Snap the ends off of the asparagus and mix with olive oil, minced garlic, and lemon juice. Line a baking dish with aluminum foil and spray with olive oil. Lay the asparagus in the baking dish 1 asparagus deep. Bake at 425 for 10-12 minutes or until desired tenderness is reached.

Mashed Cauliflower

1 head of cauliflower
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon garlic
2 tablespoons butter

Chop the cauliflower up, removing the leaves. (Make sure you wash first). Put cauliflower in bowl with water and cover. Microwave for 10 minutes. Meanwhile put butter and garlic in food processor (or blender, I use my Ninja). After cauliflower is done the bowl and cover will be extremely hot so use a hot pad. Pour cauliflower into blender and blend until desired consistency.

These recipes make enough to feed a family of four. If you have a larger family or desire a bigger portion size simply double the recipes. Portion sizes are around a cup of each food per person.

I hope you find them as yummy as I did!

Until next time,

The Problem With Diet Pills and Supplements

Recently I have seen so many ads on ways you can "get skinny quick" or "lose the weight fast" (and not so recently, I mean these plans have been around for some time). However, they are not without strings.

The Strings:

Firstly most of these "lose it quick" plans come at a hefty price and I'm not just talking finances. Yes, most of them do require you to dip into your wallet, but they also require you to put your health in jeopardy as well.

Losing weight fast does not allow your body the time it needs to tighten your skin, therefore you might get rid of the fat but you are going to have a lot of skin left over. Skin needs time to adjust, and when you lose weight the "old-fashioned" way your body has time to make the necessary adjustments that keep you looking healthy.

What kinds of chemicals are you putting in your body to create this weight loss? Are they natural? Are they healthy? Are they actually good for you? Is the quantity of said chemicals (even if they are healthy and natural) safe? You should always talk to your doctor (no matter what) before you begin your weight loss journey and most importantly if you are planning on starting a new pill or diet. Learning the adverse effects of new medications (because diet pills are essentially medicine) is extremely important to your overall health. [How many times have you seen a new "lose weight" pill or drink come on the market, only to be recalled a few months or a year later in those ads that ask you to call a lawyer if you've had such and such reaction to said pill or drink.]

Losing weight with a diet fad can be successful, but for how long? When all you are doing is taking a pill or drinking a shake you are not forming healthy habits, and you are not changing your lifestyle. This means that your weight loss is dependent on that pill or that shake and in order to keep the weight off you are going to have to continue the pill or shake diet. If you quit it is likely that you will gain the weight back.

When you commit to getting healthy, and that commitment is to true health, a diet pill or diet shake should not even be an option. Yes, you can eat lower calorie foods, but changing what you eat from un-healthy to healthy foods is a change in lifestyle. It is creating new eating habits, and habits are hard to break.

Dedicating yourself to an exercise plan creates healthy habits. When you have made a commitment to work out 3, 4, 6 times a week this creates a habit, and like I said habits are hard to break. You get your mind and your body working together. After this habit is created you will find that the days you take off from exercise your body and your mind remind you that you need to exercise.

Working out does more than aide in weight loss, it creates overall health. Exercise is good not only for your body image but also for your heart, your brain, your mental health, and the rest of your body. It lets your body know who's boss. Exercise has even been proven to help you live longer. Why is that? Because exercise gets your blood flowing, it burns the energy that the food you have consumed provides, it gets your heart working.

Until next time, good luck on your journey!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Exercise Routine

Exercise Routine
Walk 1 Mile, Run 1 Mile, Walk (cool down) ½ mile; 25 leg lifts on each side, 25 side crunches on each side, 25 crunches, 25 leg crunches, 30 second plank
Walk 1 Mile, Run 1 ½ mile, walk (cool down) ½ mile; 30 leg lifts on each side, 30 side crunches on each side, 30 crunches, 30 leg crunches, 45 second plank.
This is my routine, though I do change it up. For example I lift weights at least 2 days a week to work my arms and upper body. I also do longer planks at times (I'm up to 60 seconds now) and I increase the number of crunches, side crunches, leg lifts, and leg crunches each week. I also push myself to see how far I can run, I am up to 3 miles now, but I advise starting out slow. In fact I didn't start running until I was 4 weeks into my journey, which gave my body time to get used to exercise and strengthen some before I really began pushing myself.  I wanted to simply provide a basis to show you what I have been doing. It has helped strengthen my core tremendously! For the first time in my life I can feel my abs!

I am looking for new ways to target my core so please feel free to leave any suggestions you may have in the comment section. I also like to spice my workout up a little by changing my routine so if you have any suggestions for that I would love to hear them as well. I'm sure we all know how boring repetitive workouts can be. 

Until next time, 

What Are Calories Exactly?

How Stuff Works

In our journey to get healthy understanding calories is pertinent. In fact having the knowledge of exactly what those things called calories are can help you when trying to make decisions regarding your health. I will start by saying calories are not the enemy, they only appear that way because of our lack of knowledge on what exactly a calorie is and how it works.

Calorie as defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary is "an amount of heat exactly equal to 4.1840 joules." (Thermodynamics) and "a unit equal to the kilocalorie, used to express the heat output of an organism and the fuel or energy value of food.-- a quantity of food capable of producing such an amount of energy." (Physiology)
Origin: French, equivalent to calor- which in Latin means heat. 

In the scientific world a calorie is the amount of energy required to raise one gram of water by one degree Celsius. 

Okay now that we have defined the word, what does that mean for our overall health. Well, learning that calories are the measurements of fuel or energy value of food, or rather that the amount of calories in a specific food item will provide your body with that much energy units tells us that by consuming some food stuff we are essentially turning that food stuff into energy. How much energy? The number of calories that food source is worth is the amount of energy you are adding to your body. 

The other important thing to note is that in order to successfully monitor the amount of calories (energy) you should consume it is important to decide on a specific number of calories your body needs to sustain health. In order to find this amount you can use a health coach such as Noom (which is the coach I use, and happens to be a very helpful and free downloadable app). Medical News Today suggests that the number of calories you should eat is dependent upon your age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, and overall health. One way to calculate your caloric intake is to use the Harris-Benedict equation:

Male Adult:
66.5 + (13.75 x kg body weight) + (5.003 x height in cm) - (6.755 x age) = BMR
66 + ( 6.23 x pounds body weight) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.76 x age) = BMR

Female Adult:
55.1 + (9.563 x kg body weight) + (1.850 x height in cm) - (4.676 x age) = BMR
65.5 + (4.35 x kg body weight) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age) = BMR

After calculating your BMR you can then use a BMR calculator to find out how many calories your body will burn if you do nothing at all. You can find the calculator at Medical News Today.

After you have found the number of calories your body burns on average with no exercise at all you can then decide how many more calories you would like to burn and settle on an exercise plan that works for you. It is important to note that you should not begin a new diet or exercise plan without first consulting your doctor or physician.

Once you have settled on the number of calories you will consume, and the number of calories you wish to burn you need to find an easy way to keep track of your caloric intake. As I mentioned above I use my Noom Coach app (It's free and amazing!). You can do a quick google search to find other free calorie counters to help you keep track of your intake. MyFitnessPal offers a free calorie counting app to help you track your caloric intake.

Another aspect to consider when forming your new eating plan is what you are eating. While it is okay to decide that you are going to consume 1200 calories a day, you need to think about what you will "give" those calories to. I think of it as a daily budget. I question the nutritional value of the food I consume and ask myself how my body will use that energy. A question that Medical News Today brings up and is very valid is if the calories in a chocolate bar will do the same for your body as the calories in a carrot. My addition to this is the question: "am I willing to give a candy bar 140 calories from my budget?" I also ask myself how filling the food I eat will be. Is the 140 calories from a candy bar going to fill me up until my next nutritional meal? The answer is almost always no, though I do indulge every now and again because if you don't treat yourself eventually you'll frustrate yourself and quitting soon follows.

When grocery shopping I look at the number of calories in each food stuff I purchase, in addition to serving size. If it is a nutritional item that has a portion size that will sustain me it usually goes in my cart, however if I find that there are a big number of calories for a small portion I will either look for an alternative or choose something different.

I do hope that this information on what a calorie is and how your body uses calories is helpful to you and gives you some insight for your journey to health.

Until next time I wish you luck on your journey,

Monday, March 10, 2014

Just a Quick Update

I wanted to check in with everyone because I haven't posted in a little while. I have been busy with the yearbook and school work and of course exercise and getting healthy!

I weighed in today and guess what....

I am now 122 pounds! That means I've lost 21 pounds so far! This is the middle of week 9, so I think that's pretty good progress.

I have kept myself on goal, motivated, focused, and I've been pushing for it! Losing weight is not my priority, getting healthy is, but seeing the needle on the scale move just a little bit is refreshing and motivating!

It's proof that if you want something bad enough, and you are willing to put in the work you will see results!

Feel free to leave your success stories in the comment section below, it is always nice and motivating to hear how others are doing.

Until next time good luck,

Friday, March 7, 2014

Dessert Alternatives

Since beginning my "Get Healthy" journey I have changed my eating habits, which I believe has aided in my weight loss as well as my overall health. I want to share a few of my alternatives I've switched to in hopes that you might find them helpful as well.

Ice Cream (Okay really this should be titled Dessert, but who am I kidding?)
I am an ice cream addict, or rather I was. I think the hardest thing for me to give up when making the choice to be healthy was ice cream. However, it needed to be done because I was having a bowl of ice cream every night before I made the switch. (And I wonder why I didn't feel healthy, I was tired, and sluggish.)

I discovered Yopa! Yopa is the most delicious greek yogurt I have found and Yopa has a yogurt that comes with toppings. My absolute favorite is Yopa Raspberry with Dove chocolate pieces you can add in. It is absolutely amazing and it kicks my ice cream loving sweet tooth cravings. The other Yopa flavor I find tasty is Yopa vanilla with M&M's. Though I think I can make this one at home if I just buy the bigger tub of greek yogurt and some mini M&M's but I usually just go ahead and buy the pre-packaged version. This is an affordable alternative at only $1 per container. The only place I've been able to find Yopa, however, is Walmart and the selection basically consists of Raspberry and Dove, Vanilla and M&M, and Lemon and shortbread. When I need to switch to something else I also eat the Yocrunch yogurt with toppings. Because Yocrunch is regular (not Greek) yogurt it is a little cheaper at 5/$3 (at Walmart). It is yummy, but in my opinion nothing can beat the deliciousness of Greek yogurt, especially when you are trying to replace ice cream.

I do have to say that I still allow myself a little ice cream every now and again, but when I do I stick to the recommended portion size which is 1/2 cup.

Another dessert I have come to love that is very low in calories is sugar-free jello. It is delicious and if you buy it pre-packaged each cup only has 5 calories! This is awesome for the days you really want dessert but had a somewhat high calorie dinner.

The Black Bean Brownie recipe I referred to in an earlier post are also a wonderful alternative for those brownie lovers out there. In fact I made regular fudge brownies two days ago and tried a small slice, I think I prefer the Flour-less to the ones made with flour now.

It can be difficult to find low-calorie recipes. In fact searching for low-calorie recipes (I've found) can be frustrating because they are always attached to some special diet. I have found and made use of some weight watchers recipes that turned out deliciously and were low cal but if you want to skip the hassle of finding recipes I invite you to follow me on Pinterest. I have a special Calorie Friendly board dedicated to low-calorie yummy recipes. In fact they are so yummy your family will hardly notice they are eating healthy!

Follow my pin board Calorie Friendly here!

Until next time, I wish you good health and luck on your journey! Please feel free to share your success, motivation, and especially your favorite alternatives in the comment section below.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Soda, Pop... There are many names but is it good for you?

Soda can be your best friend or your worst nightmare. If you are trying to get healthy and lose weight soda is obviously your worst nightmare.

When I refer to soda I am speaking of carbonated soft drinks, whatever you call them in your neck of the woods is your prerogative.

First what is in soda?

Yes, it's delicious, but what makes it so delicious?

In most soda's you will find:
carbonated water
high fructose corn syrup and/or sucrose
caramel color
phosphoric acid
natural flavors
and sometimes sodium benzoate (used as a preservative)

If you are anything like me you have heard of these things, or rather read them on the back of your soda can but have no understanding of what they actually are. All you know (and me too) is that soda tastes good and so you drink it. It gives you energy and so you drink it. But should you?

Let's break it down:

Carbonated water is water that contains carbon dioxide. Most of the time the carbon dioxide that creates the tiny bubbles in the water was forced into the water at a manufacturing plant, however there are some water sources that are naturally carbonated. The carbonated water found in soda is the type that was infused or charged in a manufacturing plant. Carbonated water does not become a health hazard until there are other things such as salts and some minerals are added to it, though the most dangerous use of carbonated water is in flavored soda according to wiseGEEK.

High fructose corn syrup is a sweetener made from corn starch. It contains 55% fructose and 45% glucose. This sweetener replaced common sugar because it is cheaper and is now used as the main sweetener in carbonated soft drinks (soda). While fructose has been related to the sugars in fruit which are natural sugars, the process to create high fructose corn syrup modifies this sugar so much so that the health benefits of this sweetener is questionable. High fructose corn syrup is oftentimes thought to be a contributor to obesity.

Caramel color is a food coloring, food colorings can be naturally derived or chemically derived. They can come from bugs, plants, and chemical reactions. Food dyes are the most commonly used type of food coloring used in soda. The burning of coal tar is a very popular way to create a broad spectrum of food coloring and dyes, however it is not risk free. The coal tar derivatives used to create these food coloring and dyes has been shown to cause asthma and other respiratory problems if consumed in large quantities. According to wiseGEEK it has also been linked to cancers, heart troubles, and behavioral problems in children.

Phosphoric acid, says Fooducate, is a "clear, colorless, odorless liquid with a syrupy consistency." It is used to give soda a tangy flavor. The use of this acid makes soda more acidic than lemon juice or vinegar, however the acidity is masked by the high fructose corn syrup. Phosphoric acid has been shown to cause low bone density, though Fooducate points out that according to Pepsi Co. "low intake" of phosphoric acid causes low bone density. Phosphoric acid is used to remove rust, that's right; it's a rust remover. Would you go to your garage and drink a bottle of acid? I'm sure your answer is no, and why not? Because it would eat your insides so wouldn't small quantities of acid do the same thing over a longer period of time?

Caffeine, no matter how you look at it caffeine is a drug. It is a drug that nearly everyone (at least in the US) is guilty of consuming at one point in their life or another. However there are both health benefits and negative aspects to caffeine. Caffeine can be very addicting, in fact it is one of the most addicting aspects of soda. Because of it's addicting qualities the international medical community recognizes caffeine withdrawal to be a medical symptom. Caffeine also naturally occurs in chocolate, tea, and other sources, but it is added to soda. There are current studies looking at the potential benefits that caffeine may have on some diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer, and some cancers. However the beneficial caffeine is the naturally occurring caffeine. It is useful in stimulating the heart, and in small quantities can aid in your diet. However large quantities are dangerous. It can cause too much stimulation of the heart, caffeine can cause restlessness, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

Sodium Benzoate, according to Natural News, has the ability to deprive cells of oxygen. It can break down the immune system, and cause cancer. Do not confuse this silent killer for benzoic acid which is found naturally in fruits, claims Natural News, Benzoate is a synthesized (made in a lab) component and is very dangerous.

Therefore as you can see by looking at each of the individual ingredients, the things contained in a can of soda are harmful for the most part. They will not contribute to your path to health, they will not aide your journey. In fact they may do the opposite. So you are left with the responsibility of choosing whether the small joy of how a soda tastes for a moment is worth putting your journey on hold?

If you find yourself asking what are your alternatives might I suggest water. I know that water can be "plain" but I promise that if you make the switch and discipline yourself to drink only water for a week your taste buds will change and you will begin to crave water. Another wonderful alternative is unsweetened tea, and may I suggest Bigelow's Plantation Mint. It is absolutely delicious. Once again it takes time for your taste buds and your mind to give up that sugar you are used to drinking all of the time, but when you compare the small time it takes to give these chemicals up to the dangers the chemicals present isn't it worth it in the end?

Until next time I wish you good health and I am proud of you for making it this far in your journey to health! Keep up the good work, and if you may choose to take on the soda challenge, I wish you the best!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Staying On Track

Some days motivation can be hard, other days it seems life gets in the way and before you know it your day is gone. You have made it through your day without exercising, and this can leave you less motivated to continue on your journey to health.

Don't lose heart! It is easy to give up, it takes work to keep going. Don't be a quitter!

If you still have a little bit of time left during your non-exercise day then you can make a small commitment to complete that day, say 10 minutes. Walk 10 minutes on the treadmill, walk around the block once or twice, do 10 crunches.

If you went to bed without exercising remember that there is always tomorrow, and don't let your tomorrow go by without getting back on track. If you feel a lack of motivation the next day simply set your goal lower. Again 10 minutes is a good starter point. Most times when you do your 10 minutes you'll find yourself motivated to do another 10 minutes and then by the end you've worked out 20 minutes, and that is pretty good for having no motivation!

Remember keep moving forward, everything counts, and just think of how proud of yourself and healthy you will feel when you have reached your health goal!
and as the Health Guru Says...
Until next time,

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Starting Slow

The immediate reaction to most things is to jump, or rather dive, head first into an endeavor...Okay this may not be your first reaction but it is mine. This time around I had to remind myself that in order to succeed I needed to commit and then came some honesty time:

If I am going to commit to something than I have to start out knowing that if I take all of the fun out of that something in the first week I will just get bored. I had to decide that I would take my time. I couldn't just rush into it.

My first week I decided to focus on getting my body up and moving. I decided to set and commit to a small goal. (Remember a lot of little steps add up to one giant step.) So I committed to walking at least one mile each day on the treadmill. I realize it's not much, but if I started out trying to follow through with an unrealistic goal I would lose hope and give up. Therefore I chose a small goal. I also chose to give up seconds and watch my portion sizes for the first week. So...

Week One Goals: 

Walk (at least) 1 mile on the treadmill (or outside). 

Watch portion size.

No seconds.

This went well. I kept track of my exercise using my Noom Coach app and I logged my meals by cup size into the app both to keep track of what I was eating and hold myself accountable.

My first week went swimmingly! I achieved these small goals. I will be following this post with my second week goals and so on, so keep watch.

If you are just starting out on your journey feel free to use my first week goals. If you have a success story or a motivational tidbit please feel free to share in the comment section.

Until next time good luck on your journey!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Flour-less (Gluten Free) Brownies by SkinnyTaste

Since starting my "Get Healthy" journey I have chosen to eat healthier. Eating healthier can be trying at times, especially when you have a sweet tooth like mine! Not to mention that eating the same salad day after day can get old REALLY quick. So after some searching I found an AMAZING blog; SkinnyTaste! I have to say that Gina, the chef, has created and shared some amazing low-calorie, healthy recipes. I prepared the Flour-less Brownies today, which are only 144 calories per brownie. They really are amazing! These brownies taste so moist and delicious and really hit the spot when your having a chocolate melt down. You can kick your craving without kicking your diet. I love it!

This is one of the brownies I baked.
   If you want to see how truly yummy the brownies look and find the recipe visit Skinny Taste! This recipe is for sure a winner. I am now preparing to make her Stuffed Buffalo Chicken Breast, and I am sure it will be equally as yummy! 

The Desire to Be Healthy

   Most people start their journey with the desire to lose weight. Their main goal: lose weight. This is a fine goal, but when you don't see results fast enough hope begins to wain and defeat sets in. I know because this is the feeling I got both times I attempted to lose weight in the past.

   Each time I would start out all "gung ho" and motivated believing that if I just pushed myself a little bit harder I could achieve weight loss. However as weeks went by the needle on the scale only moving slightly I soon lost hope and eventually gave up. Once defeat set in I comforted myself with food which only led to gaining more than I had started my weight loss journey weighing.

   My attitude needed to change. My perspective needed to shift. This time instead of focusing on losing weight I decided to focus on getting healthy. Yes, losing weight is a part of being healthy, but health involves other aspects as well.

   Health is not only about weight;


The condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit. 

The general condition of the body.

   Let's break that down a bit. The condition of being sound; in good condition: solid and strong. Therefore the very definition of health can be interpreted as being solid and strong in body, mind, or (and) spirit. So when you are focusing on becoming healthy you change your focus from your appearance to your overall well-being.

   How do you go about doing that? Well you first have to make the choice to be okay with who you are right at this very moment. Decide that you love yourself enough to make the necessary changes. Choose to put forth the effort to be who you want to be, but remember to love yourself along the way. You are the only person who can change you. No one else is going to do the work for you.

   Loving yourself right now, choosing to be okay with yourself does not mean that you have to stay the way you are, it means that you have to choose to love yourself enough to choose to make the changes that will allow you to enjoy life to the fullest. It means that you care enough about yourself to get healthy!

   If you continue to follow Calorie Friendly I will be sharing more motivation, success, weight loss tips, and what I have been doing on my journey. Please feel free to share you motivational story or your success in the comment section. I love hearing about others who are on a journey to get healthy. It helps keep me motivated!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Let's Get Healthy!

I have been dieting and exercising for 36 days today...this is my 3rd attempt to lose weight after having children and the first two attempts were failed miserably but this go around I have actually had success! This is day 36 and I have lost a total of 18 pounds. I realize that doesn't seem like much so here's the details:

I started out weighing in at 143 pounds...

after 36 days of exercising and watching what I eat...

I am officially down to 125.

Here's what I did:

My first step was to desire to be healthier and lose weight. If you do not have the desire to change than change will not occur.

My second step was to do some research and find some motivational tools, so I downloaded the Noom App on my phone and decided to give the Noom program a try.

Here's the skinny on the Noom app:
Basically it is an app that will send you daily reminders to exercise, log your meals, and motivational articles with advice and tips.

I have never thought about counting calories because I did not know how, but the Noom app basically does this for you as long as you log your meals with your portion size. So I began counting calories. I know that "counting calories" has a bad sounds stressful and time consuming...and it comes with certain stipulations like self-control and controlling portion size...but if you want success than you have to be willing to put in the work. Commit.

In addition to counting calories I started exercising. My exercise regime is not too strenuous, I walk at least 2 miles on the treadmill each day in addition to doing 25 crunches and 25 leg lifts on each side. There are days where I will step it up a bit and walk a bit further or add in some planks (the planks have been increasing because my focus has went from getting the weight off to toning while getting weight off...I really need to work on my stomach).

Anyway...36 days of this and I've lost 18 if I can do it you can too. I will be sharing recipes and exercises (including videos) that I have found useful as well as some motivational items.

If you would like to find more low-calorie recipes to aide in your success you are welcome to follow me on Pinterest: Follow My Calorie Friendly Foods Board