Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Desire to Be Healthy

   Most people start their journey with the desire to lose weight. Their main goal: lose weight. This is a fine goal, but when you don't see results fast enough hope begins to wain and defeat sets in. I know because this is the feeling I got both times I attempted to lose weight in the past.

   Each time I would start out all "gung ho" and motivated believing that if I just pushed myself a little bit harder I could achieve weight loss. However as weeks went by the needle on the scale only moving slightly I soon lost hope and eventually gave up. Once defeat set in I comforted myself with food which only led to gaining more than I had started my weight loss journey weighing.

   My attitude needed to change. My perspective needed to shift. This time instead of focusing on losing weight I decided to focus on getting healthy. Yes, losing weight is a part of being healthy, but health involves other aspects as well.

   Health is not only about weight;


The condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit. 

The general condition of the body.

   Let's break that down a bit. The condition of being sound; in good condition: solid and strong. Therefore the very definition of health can be interpreted as being solid and strong in body, mind, or (and) spirit. So when you are focusing on becoming healthy you change your focus from your appearance to your overall well-being.

   How do you go about doing that? Well you first have to make the choice to be okay with who you are right at this very moment. Decide that you love yourself enough to make the necessary changes. Choose to put forth the effort to be who you want to be, but remember to love yourself along the way. You are the only person who can change you. No one else is going to do the work for you.

   Loving yourself right now, choosing to be okay with yourself does not mean that you have to stay the way you are, it means that you have to choose to love yourself enough to choose to make the changes that will allow you to enjoy life to the fullest. It means that you care enough about yourself to get healthy!

   If you continue to follow Calorie Friendly I will be sharing more motivation, success, weight loss tips, and what I have been doing on my journey. Please feel free to share you motivational story or your success in the comment section. I love hearing about others who are on a journey to get healthy. It helps keep me motivated!

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