Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Let's Get Healthy!

I have been dieting and exercising for 36 days today...this is my 3rd attempt to lose weight after having children and the first two attempts were failed miserably but this go around I have actually had success! This is day 36 and I have lost a total of 18 pounds. I realize that doesn't seem like much so here's the details:

I started out weighing in at 143 pounds...

after 36 days of exercising and watching what I eat...

I am officially down to 125.

Here's what I did:

My first step was to desire to be healthier and lose weight. If you do not have the desire to change than change will not occur.

My second step was to do some research and find some motivational tools, so I downloaded the Noom App on my phone and decided to give the Noom program a try.

Here's the skinny on the Noom app:
Basically it is an app that will send you daily reminders to exercise, log your meals, and motivational articles with advice and tips.

I have never thought about counting calories because I did not know how, but the Noom app basically does this for you as long as you log your meals with your portion size. So I began counting calories. I know that "counting calories" has a bad sounds stressful and time consuming...and it comes with certain stipulations like self-control and controlling portion size...but if you want success than you have to be willing to put in the work. Commit.

In addition to counting calories I started exercising. My exercise regime is not too strenuous, I walk at least 2 miles on the treadmill each day in addition to doing 25 crunches and 25 leg lifts on each side. There are days where I will step it up a bit and walk a bit further or add in some planks (the planks have been increasing because my focus has went from getting the weight off to toning while getting weight off...I really need to work on my stomach).

Anyway...36 days of this and I've lost 18 if I can do it you can too. I will be sharing recipes and exercises (including videos) that I have found useful as well as some motivational items.

If you would like to find more low-calorie recipes to aide in your success you are welcome to follow me on Pinterest: Follow My Calorie Friendly Foods Board

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