Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Problem With Diet Pills and Supplements

Recently I have seen so many ads on ways you can "get skinny quick" or "lose the weight fast" (and not so recently, I mean these plans have been around for some time). However, they are not without strings.

The Strings:

Firstly most of these "lose it quick" plans come at a hefty price and I'm not just talking finances. Yes, most of them do require you to dip into your wallet, but they also require you to put your health in jeopardy as well.

Losing weight fast does not allow your body the time it needs to tighten your skin, therefore you might get rid of the fat but you are going to have a lot of skin left over. Skin needs time to adjust, and when you lose weight the "old-fashioned" way your body has time to make the necessary adjustments that keep you looking healthy.

What kinds of chemicals are you putting in your body to create this weight loss? Are they natural? Are they healthy? Are they actually good for you? Is the quantity of said chemicals (even if they are healthy and natural) safe? You should always talk to your doctor (no matter what) before you begin your weight loss journey and most importantly if you are planning on starting a new pill or diet. Learning the adverse effects of new medications (because diet pills are essentially medicine) is extremely important to your overall health. [How many times have you seen a new "lose weight" pill or drink come on the market, only to be recalled a few months or a year later in those ads that ask you to call a lawyer if you've had such and such reaction to said pill or drink.]

Losing weight with a diet fad can be successful, but for how long? When all you are doing is taking a pill or drinking a shake you are not forming healthy habits, and you are not changing your lifestyle. This means that your weight loss is dependent on that pill or that shake and in order to keep the weight off you are going to have to continue the pill or shake diet. If you quit it is likely that you will gain the weight back.

When you commit to getting healthy, and that commitment is to true health, a diet pill or diet shake should not even be an option. Yes, you can eat lower calorie foods, but changing what you eat from un-healthy to healthy foods is a change in lifestyle. It is creating new eating habits, and habits are hard to break.

Dedicating yourself to an exercise plan creates healthy habits. When you have made a commitment to work out 3, 4, 6 times a week this creates a habit, and like I said habits are hard to break. You get your mind and your body working together. After this habit is created you will find that the days you take off from exercise your body and your mind remind you that you need to exercise.

Working out does more than aide in weight loss, it creates overall health. Exercise is good not only for your body image but also for your heart, your brain, your mental health, and the rest of your body. It lets your body know who's boss. Exercise has even been proven to help you live longer. Why is that? Because exercise gets your blood flowing, it burns the energy that the food you have consumed provides, it gets your heart working.

Until next time, good luck on your journey!

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