Monday, March 17, 2014

The Time Is Now

There have been so many times that I have been asked about motivation. Motivation to begin your health journey can be hard to find and easy to lose.

It is much easier to tell yourself that you will begin getting healthy tomorrow or that you will start next week.

My motivation:

We only have so many "tomorrows". There is only a certain period of time when I can take control of the way I look and the way I feel and that time is now. Life is not forever. I can choose to take control of my life or I can let it pass me by.

When it comes down to eating that cupcake or having that one bowl of ice cream I remind myself of what I want in life and I evaluate if that one moment of happiness is worth the many hours of work it will take to get rid of those excess calories.

When I feel like taking a day off my mind (because I've formed a habit) reminds myself of how I will feel later that night if I skip out on my daily routine. I ask myself if skipping is worth the regret. I remind myself that the one hour I give now will get me one hour closer to my health goals.

In the end I keep myself motivated by staying focused. There is only so many tomorrows and today is as good of a tomorrow as the next day, so why not start now. I once read a quote, though I cannot remember the author, that stated "You may not want to start now, but a year from now you'll wish you would have started today." That is so true. To let a year go by knowing what you want to achieve and yet doing nothing to make that goal a reality is a waste of time. Why put off something for tomorrow that could be done today?

So take the first step, choose to make your goals a reality, make the choice to be the you you want to be. Your life starts now!

Until next time,

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