Sunday, February 23, 2014

Starting Slow

The immediate reaction to most things is to jump, or rather dive, head first into an endeavor...Okay this may not be your first reaction but it is mine. This time around I had to remind myself that in order to succeed I needed to commit and then came some honesty time:

If I am going to commit to something than I have to start out knowing that if I take all of the fun out of that something in the first week I will just get bored. I had to decide that I would take my time. I couldn't just rush into it.

My first week I decided to focus on getting my body up and moving. I decided to set and commit to a small goal. (Remember a lot of little steps add up to one giant step.) So I committed to walking at least one mile each day on the treadmill. I realize it's not much, but if I started out trying to follow through with an unrealistic goal I would lose hope and give up. Therefore I chose a small goal. I also chose to give up seconds and watch my portion sizes for the first week. So...

Week One Goals: 

Walk (at least) 1 mile on the treadmill (or outside). 

Watch portion size.

No seconds.

This went well. I kept track of my exercise using my Noom Coach app and I logged my meals by cup size into the app both to keep track of what I was eating and hold myself accountable.

My first week went swimmingly! I achieved these small goals. I will be following this post with my second week goals and so on, so keep watch.

If you are just starting out on your journey feel free to use my first week goals. If you have a success story or a motivational tidbit please feel free to share in the comment section.

Until next time good luck on your journey!


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