Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 2; On The Run

So yesterday I ran 2 miles; one on the treadmill and the other outside. The run outside was much more fun, though also more challenging physically. Does anyone else find it boring to run on the treadmill, no matter what you do? It is just so much more entertaining to run outdoors! What did you do for Day 2?

p.s. Day 3 is in progress :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

On The Run

Motivation has begun to falter...each day I find that I am completely irritable if I do not run or at the very least walk; but I still find that I must talk myself into the workout. I used to be 100% motivated, but now that I am close to my target weight and the scale has barely moved it is definitely harder to find motivation. Therefore I have come up with a different way to motivate; I am calling it On the Run. It was inspired by Run Nerds Rock. Specifically the Run Streak, which today is day 875 for Michael. (Go Michael!) I wish I were on day 875!

Today is day #1, and I have ran 1 mile. Yes, I realize it's nothing compared to Michael's 5 miles (on his days off) and 13+ miles on other days, but it's still a mile!

Therefore I invite anyone else who is a beginner like me to join me in On the Run. The goal is simply this: do something (anything) everyday. Just get up and move. Every Little Bit Counts <---Read that again! If you ran 0.1 miles...that counts and count it as a victory because you got up and did it! If you walked 0.1 miles, you got up and did something, count it!I am not going to keep track of pace because no matter how slow you are going you are still going! The more you do, the more you'll be able to do!  Let's keep track, let's keep motivated, and see how many miles we can walk/run in 2014! Starting day is whenever you choose to start, keep a journal; make a facebook page; start your own blog; comment here, whatever you do start!

As for Run Nerds Rock, I want to thank you for helping kick start my "go" engine once again. I was really considering giving up, but seeing all of your Facebook posts really got me motivated once again, so thank you!

Day 1: 4/15/14
Ran 1 mile :) 

Also just a reminder; before starting any new exercise program you should always check with your physician first!